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God's Coming Wave - A Book by Dr. Judith West
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To Silence God’s Daughters
By Dr. Judith West
.     In l984, I surrendered totally to God, to His will and purposes for my life and was baptized for the second time at the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia. 
.     That same year, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution opposing the ordination of women because Adam was created first, and Eve was first in the Edenic fall, according to their interpretation of scripture.
.     As God was calling me to preach and teach His Word, my denomination was closing the door of opportunity. I asked God, why don't you have someone tell the Baptists? Well, here I am 28 years later with the story.   
“Why are we still having the argument about women in the pulpit? Let the women keep silent” - Paul was addressing a particular problem the temple in Corinth. The problem was pertaining to the former Delphi Temple priestesses who had received Jesus Christ. I say it is none other than the enemy who has done this. We talk about doing away with prejudices in other races, other countries, but it is in our own homes. “Ok woman just let me do it - this is a man’s job.” This is our family history we are looking at - The women are as important as the men.
There is a strong indication these days that one of the NT books of the Bible often attributed to Paul was actually written by Priscilla because it seems to have a  feminine touch.
Mary Magdalene was not the Bride of Christ. She, like us, will be the Bride of Christ when He (Jesus) returns for us.
Dr. Travis Rogers
Authors note: Although the stories in this book are real, names have been changed to guard the anonymity of the people involved.


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Temple Emanuel, The Church of Jesus Christ, Yahshua * 10242 Flat Shoals Rd. * Covington, * GA. * 30014 * 770-784-8189 (Church) * 770-784-9359 (Direct)